I have a filthy habit of changing my outfit a dozen times before finally choosing what I will wear. This morning was no exception. I narrowed it down to two that I liked, and ultimately chose the cropped cardigan look.
Cardigan : WalMart (2008?) $10
Tank Top: WalMart $6
Skirt: GoodWill $4
Tights: WalMart (sale) $6
Leg Warmers: $0 (Cut sleeves off of a sweater.)
Boots: Victoria's Secret $120.
Total: $66
This long cardigan outfit came in a close second. The only reason I didn't go with it, was because the cardi is off-white and the leg warmers are bright white, and I didn't like the contrast. (Can't tell as much in the photo.)
Cardigan : Kohls (Christmas present) $0
Tank Top: WalMart $6
Skirt: GoodWill $4
Tights: WalMart (sale) $6
Leg Warmers: $0 (Cut sleeves off of a sweater.)
Boots: Victoria's Secret $120.
Total: $56
You are so classic and beautiful sister!