Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Nautical Casual - Featuring SammyDress

Cotton t-shirt with chiffon accent. Loved it!

Striped SammyDress Shirt : Sammy Dress  $5
Pants : WalMart $16
Shoes : Victoria's Secret (sale) $15
Total: $36

Sometimes a girl just wants to look a bit nautical, and this shirt definitely helps pull that off. Decided to try the upside-down brain into a bow-bun. Turned out pretty cute!

Bow-Bun Tutorial
Upside Down Braid Tutorial

Monday, September 24, 2012

Flirty Skirt

I have a filthy habit of changing my outfit a dozen times before finally choosing what I will wear.  This morning was no exception. I narrowed it down to two that I liked, and ultimately chose the cropped cardigan look.

Cardigan : WalMart (2008?) $10
Tank Top: WalMart $6
Skirt: GoodWill $4
Tights: WalMart (sale) $6
Leg Warmers: $0 (Cut sleeves off of a sweater.)
Boots: Victoria's Secret $120.
Comparable Boots can be purchased from UrbanOg for $40
Total: $66

This long cardigan outfit came in a close second. The only reason I didn't go with it, was because the cardi is off-white and the leg warmers are bright white, and I didn't like the contrast. (Can't tell as much in the photo.)

Cardigan : Kohls (Christmas present) $0
Tank Top: WalMart $6
Skirt: GoodWill $4
Tights: WalMart (sale) $6
Leg Warmers: $0 (Cut sleeves off of a sweater.)
Boots: Victoria's Secret $120.
Comparable Boots can be purchased from UrbanOg for $40
Total: $56

Friday, September 21, 2012


Shirt: $14 WalMart
Pants:: $30 (sale)
Shoes: $15 KMart
Jacket: $10 GoodWill

Love these pants. They are fairly new. They make my butt look super-curvy, while keeping my waist looking small! The coat was a STEAL at GoodWill (Maurices Brand).

Erin: The Low Budget Fashionista

Upon the suuggestion of several people, friends and strangers, I created a blog to exhibit my fashion creations.
So, who is this Erin Lindsay...? I have no money, living paycheck to paycheck (often playing beat the bank, shh! Don't tell!) That is not the ideal situation for someone who loves fashion. I often dress fabulously, just to run errands or head to a doctor's appointment, because....why not?!

So far I have just been throwing my outfits on Pinterest, but will transition to posting both here and there. I've never had a blog before, so be patient! Here is a link to my previous fashion creations! Let me know what you think!

Erin's Outfits