Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Cool Weather....Still....

Sweater: $0 Hand-me-down from Sis (similar here for $12 , or here for $15.)
Scarf: $8 Forever 21
Jeans: $15 WalMart
Boots : $8! (regularly $13, had a coupon code and Deal of the Day!) (Many similar here . )
Total: $31

Need more outfit ideas?

Scarf also worn here and here .

Sweater also worn here , here and here .

Jeans also worn here , here , here , here , here , here , here , here , here , here , here and here .

Boots also worn here , here , here , here , here , here , here , here and here .

On this day in 2014, I wore this outfit .

On this day in 2013, I wore this outfit .


I'm fairly confident in saying that this may very well be my first post ever wearing shorts. I hate wearing shorts. In summer you'll catch me in a skirt or dress. But, I had an outfit idea and had to follow through!

Blouse: $4 Goodwill ( Kind of similar here for $23 , very similar in blue here for $25.)
Shorts: $12 Walmart
Sandals: ?? I know they weren't super cheap, but I did get them on sale from Boston Store.  (Kind of similar here for $22 ,  or here for $25.)
Total: ? More than $16...

Need more outfit ideas?
 , Sandals also worn  herehere and here.

On this day in 2014, I wore this outfit .